A Bit About This Blog.
I am a Christian, husband, father of four, elder/pastor, and occasional writer. I serve as the vocational elder/pastor at Grace Community Church in Battle Creek, MI, where our family moved in 2021.
This blog is a place to discuss matters that impact the Christian –– primarily focusing on things relating to Scripture, theology, and Christian living. The title of this blog is derived from something Martin Luther once said: "There are two days in my calendar: this day and that Day." Here, we strive to live well in the present, while keeping the eternal closely in view.
There are some social media links above, connecting to my personal page (Facebook), a sermon archive (Youtube), and the Good Doctrine Podcast which I co-host (Apple Podcasts or Spotify). If you have thoughts or questions concerning this blog, please use the contact form provided below!
Soli Deo Gloria
Josh Howard, PhD