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Four Thoughts on Perseverance

How can we live well during uncertain times? Many of the recent events that have littered our news headlines may cause us deep concerns as Christians – we may feel unsettled, and even fearful. How can we continue to live in this day and age? And how can the Christian not simply survive – but truly thrive in these times?

These questions are pressing ­– but we may be comforted that they certainly are not new. Christians surely are facing trials in this world, but these are trials that God has more-than-adequately prepared us for. When His disciples were confronting the challenges of following Him in the midst of a hostile world, Christ offered these words of comfort and instruction: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 ESV). I can think of few verses in Scripture that give more comfort than this passage – with this in mind, here are four simple observations about living with perseverance:

First – live for Christ. Do not miss this one, because it is foundational – we will persevere in this life because we belong to Christ (Col 3:3)! Because we belong to Christ, we must constantly look to Him (Heb 12:2) and strive to live in a way that honors Him (Phil 1:27). Our lives will consist of struggle (1 Tim 6:12), but it is a struggle that Christ has already won. Our call, therefore, is to hold fast to our faith and keep our eyes fixed on Christ (Heb 4:14).

Second – be prepared for tribulation. We must expect tribulation, since Christ instructed us that we will (not might, but will) have tribulation in this world. Every Christian may not experience the same type of tribulation, but we will all face tribulation in some form. That is to say, it should be the expectation of the Christian to experience tribulation! Tribulation is never pleasant (by definition), but it should certainly never surprise us (1 Pet 4:12). Following Christ will bring opposition in this world (2 Tim 3:12), yet following Christ through tribulation is not defeat – it is a victory march.

Third – live with strength. If you were asked to describe what the Christian life looks like, what adjectives might you use? One of those adjectives should be strong, since the Christian is called to live a life of strength and endurance. God calls us to be strong and to stand firm (1 Cor 16:13), so that our very lives as Christians may be described as steadfast and immovable (1 Cor 15:58). We are called to hold fast to our faith (Heb 10:23), remaining faithful to Christ even unto death if it should come (Rev 2:10).

Fourth – live with hope. Consider this: despair and hopelessness are not Christian qualities. If we find ourselves in despair, we are likely not fixated on Christ. Christians are called to be in the world, yet we remember that we are not of the world (John 17:13-18). Because we belong to Christ, we are able to endure trouble in this life (Phil 4:13). Because we belong to Christ, we know our suffering leads to endurance – and we can rejoice (Rom 5:3). Because we belong to Christ, His joy gives us strength (Col 1:11) and hope until the very end (Heb 6:11).

How then might we live and thrive in these uncertain times? We do so with vigilance, with strength, and with hope – and we do this because we are in Christ.

Article originally published in the Journal of the Baptist Missionary Association of Mississippi 75, 2 (Jan 2021): 7


Josh Howard serves as the Elder/Pastor at Grace Community Church in Battle Creek, MI, co-hosts the Good Doctrine Podcast, and is an alumni of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, ThM).


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