I find myself writing a fair amount, but this is my first audacious venture into the uncharted waters of blogging (or, at least, uncharted to me). So then, why venture into these uncharted waters? Martin Luther once said "Wenn Du die Welt verändern willst, nimm einen Stift und schreib" –– translated as, "If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write." There is power in written communication – and Christians may hold written communication in especially high regard. Therefore, taking a page from Luther (pun most certainly intended), it is my hope that this blog might provoke us to think deeper about topics relating to Scripture, theology, and Christian living. You may object to this, thinking "but I'm not a theologian!" but I think the late RC Sproul was right in observing that everyone is a theologian. We all hold deep convictions about God, ourselves, and the world we inhabit. We all think about eternal things and shape our lives around these convictions –– this blog will focus on thinking through those things biblically.
Along the way, I also hope to regularly share resources – books, articles, podcasts, other blogs, and maybe even an occasional video. If this blog is helpful, please feel free to share, and comments are always welcome! And as in everything in life, I hope that this humble venture ultimately will serve to glorify to the God we serve (1 Cor 10:31).
Josh Howard